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Words left by Shohei Otani

Here are Shohei Ohtani’s quotes translated into English, capturing his mindset of perseverance and passion for growth:

“What matters most is to keep working toward your goals. Even when you feel like giving up, it’s essential to move forward for growth.”

“Enjoying what you do is the most important thing. When you enjoy it, you feel your own growth and stay motivated.”

“The greatest appeal of sports is seeing how much you can grow as a person.”

“Believe in yourself and never give up, no matter what. That attitude leads to growth.”

“To surpass your limits, you must challenge yourself without fearing failure.”

“Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on doing your best. That’s what’s most important, I think.”

“Even if you fail, you can learn from it and apply those lessons to the next challenge. That’s my method of growth.”

“By doing what you need to do consistently, results will surely follow.”

“It’s important to stay focused on your goals and not be swayed by others.”

“Start small and build upon it. That’s what I believe leads to big achievements.”

Each quote reflects Ohtani’s dedication to his craft and his inspiring approach to personal and athletic development.


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